jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016


Christmas is coming !!

In this month we are going to make the exercises about Christmas; arts and crafts, paint and songs.

We are going to do two arts and crafts.


The first of the two will be the tree making.

The materials that we will use for this craft:
  • Green cardboard
  • Stickers
  • Glue
  • Paper tube
  • Brown acryllic paint
  • Scissors

First of all we are going to take the paper tube. After that we are going to paint the tube with brown colour to look like a trunk. As soon as it  gets dry we have to draw the smiling face.
Then we take the green cardboard and we have to cut it like a tree.
Stick the colour stickers on the cardboard. On the top of the tree we will put the big star sticker.
To finish the art and craft we are going to introduce the green part in the brown  tube, to make that were are going to make two cuts in the both sides on the top of the trunk.


The materials that we will use for this craft:
  • Pinecone
  • A star sticker
  • Brown Play-Doh
  • Green and white acryllic paint
First of all we have to collect the pinecones from the garden with the children.
After cleaning the pinecones we are going to use acryllic paint to paint it green then once dried, we will then paint the edges white.
We make the base with brown Play-Doh and we put the star sticker on the top of the pinecone tree.


We will give a picture of Olentzero to each child and they have to paint it.


Christmas Sharks

Baby shark,
doo doo doo doo doo.
Baby shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Baby shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Baby shark! 

Mommy shark,
doo doo doo doo doo.
Mommy shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Mommy shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Mommy shark! 

Daddy shark,
doo doo doo doo doo.
Daddy shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Daddy shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Daddy shark! 

Grandma shark,
doo doo doo doo doo.
Grandma shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Grandma shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Grandma shark! 

Grandpa shark,
doo doo doo doo doo.
Grandpa shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Grandpa shark, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Grandpa shark! 


Santa Claus,
doo doo doo doo doo.
Santa Claus, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
Santa Claus, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
“Santa Claus! 

Happy holidays!” 

It’s for you,
doo doo doo doo doo.
It’s for you, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
s for you, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
it’s for you!” 

Happy, happy,
doo doo doo doo doo.
Merry, merry, 
doo doo doo doo doo. 
doo doo doo doo doo. 

“Happy holidays!”

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

In this week we are going to work on body parts.
We are going to make a poster to stick on the Wall. To make the poster we are going to draw the shapes of their  own body and then draw where are the head, shoulders, knees and toes.


We will work on these colours:
And then the shapes:

Finally we are going to mix them up:

We are going to do different activities with the children to practise shapes and colours. We will use stickers.
We will give to the children one paper with different shapes and the children will have to put the different colours stickers on shapes.



In this month we are going to work with  colours and shapes, the parts of the body and Christmas.
The first two weeks the colours and shapes, the next week the parts of the body and the last week we will work about Christmas.



jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

The new vocabulary of Halloween and autum

Haunted house
haunted house bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
skeleton cartoon bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
bruja bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
fantasma bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
monstruo dibujo bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
zombie dibujo niños bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
vampiro dibujo bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
murcielago dibujo bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
araña dibujo bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
hojas otoño bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
Magic potion
bruja pocion bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
calabaza bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
negro bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
white bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
marron bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

naranja color bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak


During October we are going to sing this song with all the kids.

Introduction to the song: 

Do you know the skeletons, witch, ghost, monster, zombie, vampire?


Oh no! Here we go!
Walking through the haunted house
The haunted house, the haunted house
What do you see?

Boy: I see Skeletons!

Skeleton: Good evening, would you like to dance with us?

Oh no! Here we go!
Walking through the haunted house
The haunted house, the haunted house
What do you see?

girl: I see a witch!

Witch: Would you like to have some soup...with worms? Hee hee hee heehee!

Oh no! Here we go!
Walking through the haunted house
The haunted house, the haunted house
What do you see?

Boy: I see a ghost!

Ghost: Ooooooooo….

Oh no! Here we go!
Walking through the haunted house
The haunted house, the haunted house
What do you see?

Boy: I see a monster!

Monster: Raaaaaw...Just kidding, didn’t mean to scare ya., would like to be my friend?

Kids: Sure!

Monster: Yippee! I’ve got some new friends!

Oh no! Here we go!
Walking through the haunted house
The haunted house, the haunted house
What do you see?

Boy: I see a zombie!

Zombie: Yes, I’m a zombie. But no, I’m not an unintelligent, people eating, troublemaker. No. I’m just an ordinary friendly zombie who enjoys knitting clothes for my monster friends.

Oh no! Here we go!
Walking through the haunted house
The haunted house, the haunted house
What do you see?

Boy: I see a vampire!

Vampire: If you have time, please join us for the annual Halloween dance party downstairs! Haahahaha!

kids and monster family: la la la la la la…...


This is the story we are going to tell in halloween month.

Introduction to the story:

Do you know any halloween story? Are you ready to fill a little scary?

White Dog

Once there was a boy who had a friendly white dog named Ghost. Joey and Ghost were best friends. They loved to roam the countryside looking for adventure. They climbed rocks and waded through cool streams.

Joey's neighbors all liked Ghost, too. One day, Farmer Green saw the two friends walk by his farm. "There goes that boy and his white dog again," he said. "They're lucky to have each other."

That day, Joey and Ghost were hunting squirrels. They never caught any. But the chase was the fun part. Ghost would sniff them out. Then the two friends would run after the squirrel until it hid in a tree.

Suddenly, Ghost spotted a squirrel. Then Joey saw the squirrel. Ghost ran around a rock. When Joey got to the other side of the rock, he stopped. Ghost barked at Joey. "What's wrong, boy?" he asked.

Ghost kept barking until Joey backed up behind the rock. Then Ghost moved. Now Joey could see why his friend was barking. A large black snake was coiled up next to the rock! Ghost had protected Joey.

"What a good boy!" Joey said. "Let's go home."

That night, Joey said good night to Ghost. Then he left a treat for him on the doorstep. "See you in the morning," he said.

The next morning, Joey jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Outside, he whistled for Ghost. "Gho-o-o-st! Come here, boy," he called. But Ghost did not come. Joey wondered where his best friend could be. He ran to the barn to find his father.

"Have you seen Ghost?" he asked. Joey's dad climbed down from the tractor.

"Son, I found Ghost this morning," his father started. "He wasn't moving, so I took him to Dr. Parker's house. I'm afraid there was nothing he could do. Ghost was very old."

Joey was heartbroken. He would miss his friend so much. He wondered who would explore the woods with him.

After Ghost was gone, Joey spent most of his time alone in the woods. He walked along the creeks where he had once played with Ghost.

One day, Joey ventured farther than he had ever gone before. He was walking along the edge of a ravine. Suddenly, he lost his footing. The rock gave way and Joey landed on a ledge below. Joey's leg was twisted and scraped. He could not climb out of the ravine.

Joey yelled for help. But no one was close enough to hear him.

A few miles down the road, Farmer Green was working in his field. It was a very hot day. He wiped the sweat from his brow. Just then, he noticed a white dog running towards him. It looked like Joey's dog.

The dog barked and barked at Farmer Green. "Hey Ghost, how're you doing?" he said. "Haven't seen you in a while."

The dog continued to bark at him. Farmer Green tried to drive his tractor through the rows of beans. But the dog ran right in front of the tractor's wheels.

Farmer Green blew the tractor's horn. But the dog would not budge. Finally, Farmer Green turned off the engine and climbed down from his tractor.

"Where's your friend?" he asked. "Now go find him."

The dog was very persistent. He continued to bark at Farmer Green. Then he ran up to Farmer Green. He grabbed the man's trousers in his mouth and tried to pull him along.

"Whoa! Okay!" said Farmer Green. "I'm coming. Let's go."

Farmer Green followed the dog through the woods. They wandered for miles through thick brush and tall trees. Every few feet the dog would look back at Farmer Green. He wanted to be sure the man was following him.

They came closer to the ravine. The dog disappeared in the brush.

"Now where did you go?" called the farmer. Then he heard the boy's cries.

Joey was trying to yell for help. He had almost given up. Then he heard a man yelling back to him.

"Hello-o-o!" yelled Farmer Green. "Are you hurt?"

Joey looked up from the ledge. He could see Farmer Green standing at the edge of the ravine. The man was peering down at Joey. He could barely see the boy through the trees.

"I'm okay, but my leg is hurt," Joey yelled back. "I can't make it up there all by myself."

"Hang on," said the farmer. "I'll help you up."

Farmer Green found a strong vine. He held one end of the vine. Then he threw the other end to Joey.

"Use this to pull yourself up," he said.

Joey grabbed onto the vine. It was strong and thick like a rope. Using his good leg, Joey pulled himself up the side of the ravine. Near the top, Farmer Green reached over and pulled Joey onto the rocks.

"Thank you," said Joey. He tried to catch his breath.

Farmer Green helped Joey sit up on the rocks. "Let's have a look at that leg," he said. Joey's leg was still bleeding.

"It hurts," Joey said, "but I think I can walk."

"Let's find a branch you can use as a crutch," Farmer Green said.

Farmer Green pulled the bark off one end of the branch. Then he helped Joey to his feet.

"You can use this branch as a crutch," he said. "Now let's get you home."

Joey stood up shakily. "Thank you, Farmer Green," he said.

Joey steadied himself with the crutch. Farmer Green held onto his other arm. Then they hiked through the brush.

When they came to a clearing, Farmer Green spoke. "That's some dog you got there!" he said.

"What do you mean?" asked Joey.

"I mean, you'd still be sitting in that ravine if that white dog didn't show me where you were," said Farmer Green. "He came to my field and barked and barked. Then he led me out into the woods to find you."

Joey could not believe what Farmer Green was saying. "That couldn't have been my dog, sir," whispered the boy. "My dog died almost a month ago."

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

These are the art and crafts to do during October because in October is Halloween. We will do one art and craft per week.




  • Lollypop
  • 4 Black pipe cleaners
  • 2 Eyes
  • Glue


  1. We take the lollypop and we screw in the four black pipe cleaners in the lollypop.
  2. Open the legs a little bit and try to shape them us if they were legs.
  3. Glue the eyes.



  • Toilet paper
  • Scissors
  • Toilet paper tube
  • Brush
  • White tempera
  • Black marker pen
  • White glue
  • Cord


  1. We have to paint the tube with white tempera and let it dry.
  2. Paint with pen marker the face of the ghost.
  3. Cut with the scissors the toilet paper in strips and glue the strips in the bottom of the tube in the inside part.
  4. Cut the cord.
  5. Make two little holes in the top of the tube with the scissorss and pass the cord inside the holes.



  • Leaves
  • Brush
  • White tempera
  • Black marker pen


  1. Paint the leaves with white tempera and let them dry.
  2. Paint the face with the black marker pen.



  • Plastic eyes
  • Black cardboard
  • Wood tweezers
  • Black tempera
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  1. Paint the tweezer with the black tempera.
  2. Mark the cardboard and cut it with wings shape.
  3. Glue the wings and eyes to the tweezer.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016



Breakfast and free play
Story time
Arts & crafts
Arts & crafts
Arts & crafts
Free play
Lunch time
Nup time
Story time
Arts & crafts
Arts & crafts
Arts & crafts
Snack time and free play

If any child need to change the diaper or go to the toilet we will be aware.

Welcome song

Good MorningChildren's Song Lyrics and Sound Clip
Caroline and Danny

Good morning, good morning

How are you today?

Say good morning, good morning

In a special way.

Let’s say it like a duck

Quack, quack, quack….

Let’s say it like a dog

Woof, woof, woof….

Let’s say it like a cat

Meow, meow, meow…

Let’s say it all together

Good morning, good morning

How are you today?

Say good morning, good morning

In a special way.

Good morning everyone!


Wake up song

Wake Up!
Song Lyrics and Sound Clip
Listen & Learn

Wake up and get going

Wake up and sing a song

Wake up and stretch your body

And get ready to move along

Whoa, whoa, here we go:

Stand up

Spin around

Jump up and down

Raise your hands to the sky

Reach ‘em up so high

Now sit down and rest awhile

We’re gonna take a little break

But it won’t be long before we’re moving again

Because we gotta stay awake


Now sit down and catch your breath

But don’t lose that energy

Pretty soon we’ll be moving again

Because you’re waking up with me




Good bye song

Bye bye goodbye

Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.

I can clap my hands. 
I can stamp my feet.
I can clap my hands.
I can stamp my feet.

Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.


jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016


How are you today?

We are a group of young people who is studying pre-primary and we love kids!

Our preschool`s blog is called "Little Fish". If you have any question you can contact with our department of experts in this area.

The director of the department and president is called Jon A (The email is ikasizan@gmail.com). For questions talk him.

See you soon in the sea world! Bye!



How are you today? Fine?

We are a group of young people who is studying pre-primary and we love kids!

Our preschool`s blog is called "Little Fish".

If you have any question you can contact with our department of experts in this area.

The director of the department and president is called Jon A. For questions talk him.

The email is ikasizan@gmail.com

See you soon! Bye!

See you in the see world!
